Print Your Code for review by Elon Musk.

Most code is reviewed in Github, Gitlab or somewhere online, but that is too efficient. Why not print out your code and submit the printout by fax for review by Elon Musk personally!

No fuss way to review your code.

Print Your Code

Go to your favorite text editor, select all the code you wrote in the last 30 days ago and copy paste it into Microsoft Word. Then press Print. Easy as that.

Fax Your Printouts

Take your code print outs and fax them to our toll free number. Our AI will recombine the pages in correct order and then robot technology will deliver them to Elon for review.

Wait for the mailman

Get your code review print out back with Elon Musk's handwritten notes and hand drawn emojis.

Send your code to space

All code reviews merged after a review by Elon Musk are automatically re-printed and sent to space aboard a SpaceX rocket. *Enterprise plan only.

Get printing today

It’s time to take control of your code reviews. Let Elon Musk help you!

Get 6 months free

Loved by developers worldwide.

Our process is so simple and efficient that people can't help but fall in love with code reviews conducted by Elon Musk on your very own print outs.

    • It used to take me forever to get my code reviewed. Since Friday, I've been printing it all out and getting Elon to look at it and my god its been amazing!!

      Software Developer
    • This is a gamechanger. Kicking myself I didn't think of this. Would have made ProductHunt #1

      IOS Developer
    • Paper is not dead! What an amazing medium to get code reviews done! I love it.

      Android Developer
    • I lol'ed when asked to print out my code but for real this works.

      Web Developer
    • I tell my students the best way to learn programming is to hand write your code. I recommend everyone send their hand-written code to Elon Musk for review.

      Mohsen Modhej
      Expert Developer
    • This makes me even more efficient. I just push my code, print it out and mail it in! And now with Fax its even quicker!!

      Ruby on Rails Developer
    • This is really my jam! Print outs, faxes and hand written code reviews. Retro but unmistakingly the future.

      Cobol Developer

Simple pricing, for social media juggernauts of any size.

It doesn’t matter what your market cap is, let Elon check your code, personally.


Good for anyone getting started in the social media game.


  • Elon personally reviews all code
  • Up to 4 characters of comments including '+1' and 'LGTM'
  • 🚀 emoji used when code review is ready for merge
  • All emojis are hand drawn by Elon
Get started

Tweet Level

Perfect for large social media companies.


  • Elon personally reviews all code
  • Printouts returned beautifully bound with handwritten notes
  • Exclusive 🚢 emoji used when code review is ready for shipping
  • All emojis are hand drawn by Elon
Get started


Supreme Ultimate plan


  • Elon personally reviews all code
  • Printouts returned beautifully bound with handwriten notes
  • Elon hand delivers the review in his Tesla
  • Once merged your code is printed out and sent to space aboard a SpaceX rocket.
Get started

Frequently asked questions

Such an awe-inspiring service yet simple service is hard to believe - so you may have some questions. Here are some of the more frequent asked.

    • Does Elon Musk review the code personally?

      Of course! Elon has rescheduled large blocks of time away from making electric cars and saving humanity by colonizing Mars to focus almost entirely on reviewing YOUR code.

    • Sounds expensive. How much does this cost?

      This service is very inexpensive. Check out our pricing table. To ensure the continuation of life on planet Earth code reviews are one of the safest ways to ensure no large infestations of bugs occur.

    • How do I apply for a job helping with these code reviews?

      Due to Elon's fanatical adherance to time mangement principles and his magical 'LGTM' commentary there won't ever be a pull request that goes un-reviewed for longer than 2 to 3 minutes. As such we do not foresee needing to hire any more people.